
Lantmännen ek för is a Swedish company in the area of ​​food production and trade, energy, engineering, and agriculture. Shareholders of the cooperative are 36,000 Swedish farmers. The company is represented in 18 countries, employs approximately 10,000 people and has an annual turnover of 36 billion Swedish crowns.

SW Seed

Lantmännen SW Seed is an international company for plant breeding. Its core business is the development and marketing of regionally highly adapted varieties. Lantmännen SW Seed provides seed to 15 different cultures, which are produced in four breeding stations in Svalöv, Lännäs (both Sweden), Hadmersleben ( Germany ) and Emmeloord (Netherlands). The main markets are North and Central Europe. Lantmännen SW Seed has subsidiaries in the Netherlands, Germany, Poland and Latvia.
