
Laomedon (Greek Λαομέδων ) is in the Greek mythology, the son of Ilus and Eurydice and the second king of Troy.

Laomedon was the father of Priam, of Tithonus and the Hesione and the saga had for even dealing with the gods: As a punishment for trying to captivate Zeus and to disempower thus, had to Apollo on the Mount Ida, the herds of Laomedon guard while Poseidon the walls of Troy built. Only when the two gods Laomedon refused the negotiated price, broke this proximity: Apollo was to haunt the city from the pestilence, and Poseidon sent a sea monster that could be satisfied by the oracle only by the sacrifice of the king's daughter Hesione. As this was the monster then presented, Heracles rescued the daughter and killed the monster. Another dispute of Laomedon to a wage, now with Heracles, then led to the siege of the city, in consequence of Laomedon was killed and his family. Only Priam, the next king, and Hesione that fell as a slave to the Telamon, survived.
