
The Valley of Laquette at Enquin -les -Mines

The Laquette is a river in France, which runs in the region Nord-Pas -de- Calais Pas- de -Calais. It rises in the municipality of Beaumetz -lès -Aire, drained initially in the north, then turns to the northeast and ends after 23 kilometers in the city of Aire -sur -la -Lys as a right tributary to the river Lys.

Places on the river

  • Bomy
  • Erny -Saint -Julien
  • Enquin -les -Mines
  • Estrée- Blanche
  • Quernes
  • Witternesse
  • Aire -sur -la -Lys


Confluence with the River Lys

  • Scheldt river system
  • River in Europe
  • River in Nord-Pas -de- Calais