Large Cactus Finch

Opuntia finch, males

The Opuntia - ground finch (G. conirostris ), and Large Cactus Finch, is a Singvogelart, which is among the Darwin's finches. These are now among the tanagers ( Thraupidae ), sometimes also counted among the Buntings ( Emberizidae ).

The female has a reddish bill and the plumage is white, brown with black. The male specimens have a darker beak and consistently black plumage. The Opuntia finch has on Española a larger bill than on Genovesa.

Dissemination and lifestyle

Opuntia finch comes on Española, Tower ( Genovesa ) and Darwin primarily on cacti before.

The elongated and strong beak is particularly suitable to cut them off in seeds and insects. In addition, he also eats fruits and cactus flowers.

Since he is on Española is the only bird with a big beak, he fills the ecological niche there between the middle - ground finch (G. fortis ) and the big - finch (G. magnirostris ).
