Larry Stewart (philanthropist)

Larry Stewart ( born 1948 in Bruce, Mississippi, † 12 January 2007) was an American philanthropist, also known as "Secret Santa " known.

Who lives in Kansas City Stewart began after his rise from a poor family in 1970, so, small and medium amounts of money anonymously, but hand to hand out directly to the needy. Although he continued while supporting the charities of various communities financially (including his hometown of Bruce ), Larry Stewart firmly believed in his practice of direct "money transfer " because " the people that do not need to apply for even apply for it or somewhere hire back ". His wealth had earned in the entertainment and telecommunications Stewart. Until his death, he had already handed over $ 1.3 million personally to the needy, but his true identity revealed only in 2006, after he was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Stewart began to initiate others in philosophy and essence of his generosity and also to train in the exercise. In addition to the funds that provided Stewart to the candidate during the Christmas season 2006 turned willingly to a total of $ 65,000 from its own funds.

Larry Stewart died on 12 January 2007 of esophageal cancer.
