Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh

The lateral femoral cutaneous nerve is a purely sensory branch of the leg nerve plexus ( lumbar plexus ) from the segments L2 -L3, which supplies the lateral thigh sensitive.

After leaving the psoas major, he passes under the fascia of the iliopsoas muscle in the direction of anterior superior iliac spine. Medial to it, he leaves the pelvis through the muscular lacuna and pulls, beginning just below the fascia lata, then above it to the skin of the lateral thigh.

As the nerve leaves the pelvis bends at an angle of about 80 ° caudally, it can lead to compression of the nerve with corresponding sensory disturbances (especially with a strong distinctive extension). By further extending centrally iliopsoas muscle, he is also often compressed, thus a typical nerve compression syndrome arises that meralgia paresthetica. In addition, he is protected at this point only to a very small extent of umliegendem adipose tissue.

  • Peripheral Nervous System