Laugavegur (Reykjavík)

The Laugavegur [ LOI: ɣavɛɣʏr̥ ] is the main shopping street in downtown Reykjavík.

History and Significance

The Laugavegur was created in 1885 by resolution of the City Council. The name means roughly wash path as it runs in the direction of the hot springs in Laugardalur where the laundry was carried to the washing in earlier times. Throughout its history, the shopping street changed several times by economic swings, particularly by the increasing popularity of larger shopping centers outside as Kringlan or Smáralind. Today, see the Laugavegur rather exclusive shops.

The Laugavegur is the trendiest street in Reykjavík; here are several restaurants, bars and clubs. In addition, lying in the road and the Icelandic Phallus Museum.

64.145306 - 21.9272Koordinaten: 64 ° 8 ' 43 "N, 21 ° 55' 38 " W

  • Reykjavík