
Lauro is a town with 3577 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) in the province of Avellino in the Campania region. The place is part of the mountain community Partenio - Vallo di Lauro. The inhabitants are called Lauretani.


The neighboring municipalities are Carbonara di Nola (NA ), Domicella, Moschiano, Pago del Vallo di Lauro, Palma Campania ( NA), and Quindici Taurano. The districts are Fontenovella, Ima, Migliano and Pignano.

Folk Culture

In the Vallo Lauro Lauro with its main town, there is an impressive tradition of the commission of the Holy Week. On Good Friday, a grand procession takes place at the end of the main square in white dressed groups ( soganannte Biancovestiti ) from the various surrounding towns ancient sacred chants in the Campanian dialect present. At the procession also take part historically dressed persons with the Arma Christi, and in the neighboring Taurano the Passion of Jesus as Sacra rappresentazione vivente is played. After Germany immigrated Lauretani due to these models founded and designed the Passion Play in Bensheim on the mountain road.

Important personalities
