Law dictionary

Legal dictionary are called dictionaries that explain legal concepts in a language or translate from one language to another.

Monolingual, German

Well-known German monolingual dictionaries are:

  • Anne Gerd Alpmann - Pieper et al. (Ed.), Alpmann Brockhaus Lexikon study law, 3rd edition: 2010; 1444 pages; ISBN 978-3-406-57917-2 ( The items are partly supplemented text is identical to the Brockhaus law [ see below ], but to literature, the presentation of both volumes is different).
  • Hermann Avenarius, Small Law Dictionary. 800 definition and explanation of products with numerous reference keywords, Federal Centre for Political Education: Bonn, 6th edition: 1991 ( Linzenzausgabe to Herder: [?] Freiburg, in 1990 or 1991, ISBN 3-451-08733-2 cf., 604 pages); 630 pages. The dictionary brings short, more popularly held explanations.
  • The Brockhaus law. Understanding the right to know his rights, Brockhaus: Leipzig / Mannheim, 2nd edition: 2005; 864 pages; ISBN 3-7653-0559-6.
  • Carl Creifelds, Law Dictionary ed. Klaus Weber, Beck: Munich, 19, new Edit. Edition: 2007, 1480 pages; ISBN 3-406-55392-3. The page format of this dictionary is significantly smaller than that of the two Brockhaus dictionaries.
  • German legal dictionary - dictionary of the older German legal language ed. of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, Verlag Hermann Böhlaus successor, Weimar; currently around 90,000 articles, over 11 volumes with 10,000 pages; ISBN 978-3-7400-0005-9. Great dictionary that treating them exclusively historical right words.
  • Gerhard Kobler, Legal dictionary. For study and training, Vahlen: Munich, 8, neubearb. Res: 1997; 504 pages; ISBN 978-3-8006-3415-6.
  • Adolf Reifferscheid (ed.), Encyclopedia Ergänzbares justice ( Luchterhand: Berlin / Neuwied, 1954 ff; Revision: Neuwied and others, 1981 ff; ISBN 3-472-10700-6 ), loose-leaf collection in 9 file folders with in long references provided in Articles Tags from 18 topic areas treated. Each subject area has its own publisher.
  • Horst Tilch / Arloth Frank (ed. ), German law dictionary. 3 Bd, Beck: Munich, 3rd edition: 2001; 5026 pages (Vol. 1: ISBN 3-406-48052-7; vol 2: ISBN 3-406-48053-5; vol 3: ISBN 3-406-48054-3 ) Supplementary Volume: 2003; 499 pages (ISBN 3-406-49803-5 ).

Bilingual: German - English

  • Clara Erika Dietl / Lorenz Egon, Dictionary of Law, Economics and Politics with explanatory commentaries on comparative law, Beck: Munich, Part I English- German: 6, completely new Edit. and ext. Res: 2000; 942 pages; ISBN 978-3-406-44112-7 (. . 7, newly Edit and extended edition announced in March 2007, ISBN 978-3-406-57395-8 ); Part II German - English: 5 Res: 2005; 899 pages; ISBN 978-3-406-48067-6.

Bilingual: German - Castilian

  • Herbert J. Becher, Dictionary of Legal and Commercial Terms. Beck: Munich, 5th edition: 1999; T. 1: Spanish - German; 1420 pages; ISBN 3-406-45161-6; T 2: German - Spanish; 1282 pages; ISBN 3-406-44442-3.
  • Catalina Garay / Martin Rothe, legal dictionary. With notes, illustrations of laws, regulations, contracts, abbreviations, court systems, appeals. Spanish - German. German - Spanish, Luchterhand: Munich / Unterschleissheim, 2nd edition: 2003; 1041 pages; ISBN 3-472-04061-0.


  • Law Dictionary: French- German, Schulthess Verlag, 1939
  • Erol Ulusoy: Law Dictionary: some with Explanations: Turkish - German, German - Turkish, publishing Beta Basım Yayım Dagitim, 1999, ISBN 3000020659
  • Firous Ebrahim - Nesbat: Law Dictionary: Persian - German, University of Göttingen Publishing, ISBN 3941875442