League Against Cruel Sports

The League Against Cruel Sports ( LACS, German: League Against Cruel Sports ) is a UK-based animal welfare organization that campaigns performs against animal fighting like bull fighting, fox hunting with hounds and hare hunts. The organization also working to prohibit the manufacture, sale and use of traps works, sits down for a regulation of greyhound racing as well as for an end to commercial hunts and trophy hunts. Among the most famous supporters of these organizations is one of Paul McCartney and the Scottish actress Annette Crosbie, who has held since 2003, the organization.

The organization was founded in 1923 her seat Godalming, Surrey. One of the great successes of the organization was the adoption of the Hunting Act 2004, the hunting of foxes with hounds prohibited in England and Wales and also prohibits hare hunts. Against this last form of dog sport in which two greyhounds rushing usually a hare, and in which major events such as the Waterloo Cup, tens of thousands of spectators attracted to the organization had used for decades. The League Against Cruel Sports also specifically buys on land on which hunting is prohibited. Meanwhile, there are 40 nature reserves owned by this organization.

Among the issues which the organizations dedicated to date, include a ban on pheasantries be where reared pheasants and then released so that they serve as game. She is working on it as well, that the Hunting Act 2004 in similar form in Northern Ireland will become law.
