Learning standards

Template: Note Project / Maintenance / formation

The following must be improved: for content on working in an understandable way, revise introduction. - Pitti man visit me 21:27, September 1 2010 (UTC )

With educational standards attempt to define what skills and knowledge students should have acquired a certain grade in each subject. The term is used in this sense only in the plural is used ( for example, " the German educational standards in mathematics for secondary school "). In the singular, it usually refers to a compound noun (eg, the standard of education in China = the standard of education in China ), which has little to do with the meaning described in this article.

  • 2.1 rationale of
  • 2.2 Previous development
  • 2.3 Further planning, IQR
  • 2.4 evaluation
  • 2.5 criticism
  • 3.1 Introduction
  • 3.2 Previous development
  • 3.3 review and feedback


Educational standards stipulate binding which skills students should acquire in a particular subject at a particular time. (See Klieme certificate )


Educational standards are a subsystem of the control of educational processes that have won in Germany since the " PISA shock " in education policy importance.

Three things have brought educational standards in the spotlight:

  • The discussion of key skills,
  • The reflection on the diversification of the learning conditions,
  • The criticism of the overcrowding of the curriculum with fabric or the demand for " clearing out ".

Education Standards ( BS) want and do not want the education system more input - oriented control (state specifications ( syllabuses ) Write what content and items to be dealt with in the classroom ). Instead, a so-called BS output orientation: not concrete objects and contents are specified, but to be acquired by them abilities, skills, readiness and ( competencies).

The basic idea is that students can acquire different objects and content same skills. One can simultaneously

  • Schools and teachers give greater freedom in the choice and arrangement of the contents,
  • They can thereby adjust your teaching to better meet the ( sometimes very different ) knowledge and experience of the students,
  • Unify the learning outcomes and make more binding - in terms of skills, abilities and willingness; not in the sense of actually learned " content ". This reorientation implies a shift from substantive education towards formal or more categorical form (after Wolfgang Klafki ).

Educational standards in this sense ( performance standards; see differentiation below) are therefore socially defined and the school system or requested by the student characteristics ( levels ) of specific competencies. In order to name this sufficiently precise, one needs competence definitions and models. Their clarity, detail and expressiveness ( → Quality ) has been criticized by some ( see below).

Types of educational standards

  • Input standards describe to be established competencies and knowledge to be achieved ( they are also called content standards, eg curricula ) or the required teaching and learning conditions.
  • Opportunity -to -learn standards describe requirements for conditions of learning, for example regarding the curriculum, the equipment of schools, etc.
  • Performance standards describe skills to be established, ie. Largely independent of content, so to be acquired at different contents and objects abilities, skills and willingness to They constitute the essential core of the so-called outcome-orientation of education policy of the 2000s. Performance Standards require an underlying competence model to be operationalisier and measurable.
  • Management standards describe quality management systems for providers of learning services (eg ISO 29990 Learning services for the education and training - Basic requirements for service providers and QM stage model PAS 1037:2004 ).

Within the performance standards are distinguished:

  • Minimum standards describe the minimum level of competence to be achieved by all students of a learning group or a school or a school system and the actions mandatory in case of non achievement measures (whether of support for the students, facilities improvements in schools or sanctions against the schools, about increased monitoring, through to closure; see to the latter "high -stakes testing" in the U.S.).
  • General standards describe competencies that are to be achieved in the " average ", where measures are only taken if failure to achieve significant scale.
  • Maximum standards define what the best students can should (better would be "optimal standards " because no one should be prevented from even better performance ).

Measurement / inspection of standards

The achievement of standards can be in various forms, are collected empirically with various instruments and for different purposes:

  • Assessment denotes the measurement of each achieved level of competence at a specific time, usually in average access with larger groups and without regard to the underlying individual learning paths. Assessments say above all about the performance of the school system or of teaching, less on the " power " of the individual student;
  • Diagnosis refers to the acquisition of competences with a differentiating look at the differences in individual learning spaces and the (mostly ) individual learning development;
  • Evaluation refers to the measurement of the achievement of competency levels and their change in response to actions taken. This is also more about the suitability of the measures stated ( eg teaching methods, materials, etc.) on the performance of the individual student.

Introduction of nationwide educational standards in Germany

Rationale of

On the occasion of various education studies, such as the PISA study, which showed that the German general- education system ( the vocational training system has not been studied ) internationally a mediocre position occupies and that there are also significant differences between the individual federal states, operates the KMK from nationwide to develop uniform standards of education and to make them binding. They should allow an overall comparability of qualifications and learning outcomes.

The shift from input-oriented educational standards ( current curricula, educational plans and curricula ) shows to output-oriented standards that the concept of quality management and quality assurance input keeps in education.

Previous development

In Germany, output- oriented control standards by representatives from industry and educational administration and with the participation of didactics experts for an increasing number of subjects and grade levels have been developed.

For the High School, there was the " single audit requirements of the Baccalaureate " (EPA ) since the 1970s, initially for some, recently more and more subjects a kind of "performance standard ". In particular, the commit that students are required to provide services in three " requirement areas " ( AFB ) in the tests ( approximately in all subjects the same: AFB 1: Reproduction; AFB 2 :;: problematization, own further thinking AFB 3 transfer and application) should be mentioned here as significant and shows that such standardization can not only act narrowing.

For the middle school leaving certificate ( " high school " ) 1995 educational standards in the subjects German, have been adopted mathematics and first foreign language.

The Standing Conference decided in 1997, the educational standards

  • For the middle school leaving continues to develop,
  • Extended to secondary school and primary school leavers,
  • Extend for the intermediate certificate on the subjects of physics, chemistry and biology.

The countries have committed since the school year 2004 to apply the educational standards for the middle school leaving certificate ( " high school " ) in the subjects German, mathematics and first foreign language (English and French). Since 2005, this also applies to physics, chemistry and biology as well as for the Hauptschule and primary school leavers. In Baden- Württemberg educational standards since 2004 already apply to all schools and subjects.

The national educational standards that have been adopted by the Standing Conference are to be understood only as a framework standards for the individual states. Assuming the existing education authority created in the 16 states each have their own texts that either the external form of educational standards record (eg NRW or Lower Saxony), custom shapes using (Baden- Württemberg) or entirely on old curriculum formats recourse ( Bavaria).

More planning, IQR

In 2006 began the standardization of test instruments for later use to verify compliance with the federal national educational standards. To this end, in June 2004, is a nationwide operating, jointly supported by the countries ' Institute for Quality Management in Education - Scientific Institute of the countries at the Humboldt University in Berlin " ( IQR ) was founded. The main task of the IQR is the review and enhancement of educational standards.


The skills described in the standards of education are evaluated under the direction of the IQR regularly throughout the country. To this end, developed by teachers, didactics experts and psychologists written tests. The tests serve primarily the description of educational attainment at a specific time (eg end of secondary school ), and a comparison of the states, the so-called IQR - country comparison. An individual diagnosis, ie the measurement of skills of individual students is not the goal of these studies and would also be limited to the instruments used possible.

In the years 2008/2009, a first international comparison took place in the field of languages ​​. When comparing countries, 2011 competencies were tested in German and mathematics. In international comparison, 2012 competencies in the field of natural sciences were charged alongside math skills for the first time. In addition to the competence level in the countries of the influence of various demographic characteristics on the test results is charged, eg socio-economic background, education level of the parents or an immigrant background.


Critics doubt the success of these measures. A closer look, for example, the published of Baden-Württemberg educational standards for history shows no major changes compared to conventional curricula. In nuclear issues, the authors keep covered, so the question of comparable verifiability of acquired skills. Despite this deficit often not concrete tangible educational standards in Baden- Württemberg be checked by means of comparative work. Of teachers in Baden- Württemberg, the educational standards in the face of these very vague formulations are often developed using the existing education plans or based on the textbooks that are even more of a " hidden curriculum " advanced given the lack of operationalization of educational standards. The range of approved textbooks for individual subjects or subjects networks with partially very small overlap is further evidence that the educational standards for educational practice in Baden- Württemberg are broad.

Criticism is also directed to the fact that the named in the educational standards specify requirements for students only the technical and cognitive expectations. Interdisciplinary skills, social, communication and personal skills, no echo, because they are more difficult to express in the form of competence descriptions. It should be noted that the currently discussed educational standards would actually only be described as "cognitive performance standards " and not sufficiently reflect the comprehensive educational thoughts of general education. However, this criticism does not apply to all educational standards. Newer education plan concepts, such as the educational standards for the subject of politics and economics in secondary schools in North Rhine -Westphalia have also social, communication and personal skills. However, their measurability and thus empirical validity is very suitable.

Problematic for students is the practice that the educational standards usually include several school years. This can lead to massive gaps in the skills when they move, even within the same state and the resulting changes of school within the same school type. On the other hand, because of educational standards for several grade levels often textbooks designed and purchased for two or three years, which partly include over 400 pages and are heavy.

Many of the developed in the wake of the KMK - order " educational standards " for individual subjects as well as that developed by professional associations for not foreseen by the KMK fan educational standards agree in essential parts not with the expertise of Klieme et al ( 2003) elaborated the theory consistent, especially inasmuch not, as the reported amounts of "standards" does not indicate that with them a certain level is set to a defined competence as a desired goal. It is not clear, which may be the lower -level characteristics and which higher forms. Many standard formulations postulate simply a global "ability". This applies, even for the standards of Geography (2006 ), but also eg for the KMK standards, " Educational Sciences " for higher education, but also for the Didactics standards of the Society for Didactics ( GFD ).

This characteristic of many educational standards can not be avoided as long as no theoretical and empirical studies allow statements about the development of individual skills. The early adoption of this standard designs for testing (in particular, assessments) and their legal codification before the results of this research present can be seen as problematic.

The critics of the educational standards that originate both from the traditional pedagogy as well as from the critical education science, have announced in 2010 with the Cologne Congress " educational standards on the test" a forum.

Educational standards in Austria


As in Germany, there were also in Austria, the results of international student performance studies such as PISA or PIRLS, which paved the way for uniform educational standards and their verifiability.

The legal basis for this was laid in August 2008 by the Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture with an amendment to the School Education Act, educational standards were introduced in the Austrian school by a regulation in January 2009, which defined for individual subjects which skills students after 4 should have acquired. , and 8th grade. Furthermore, the review of educational standards as regular, centrally defined performance measures was specified in this Regulation. This educational standards for 4th grade in the subjects German / reading / writing and mathematics were enacted in Austria, for the 8th grade in German, English and mathematics.

Previous development

The educational standards are being tested since 2001 with the participation of teachers in a pilot phase at around 300 schools. In the school year 2008/ 09 was raised in an initial measurement for the subsequent comparison of the actual level in mathematics, German and English for grade 8, in the school year 2009/10 were carried out the same surveys for 4th grade in German and mathematics conducted by the Federal Institute BIFIE, whose main tasks since its inception in 2008, the development, implementation and review of educational standards in Austria counts.

Review and feedback

The review of educational standards will start in the school year 2011/12 with the 8th grade in mathematics. This grade are tested on approximately 1400 schools entering into a binding for all test day in May 2012, earned to-date skills throughout Austria for all students. 2012/13 is the standard check conducted in English and 2013/14 in German, for the 4th grade begins checking from the school year 2012/13 in Mathematics, 2013/14 in German / read / write.

An essential prerequisite for valid test results are playing field for all students, the test procedure is standardized for this reason and carried out by specially trained teachers.

After reviewing the tests on BIFIE be electronically recorded, evaluated and analyzed. The scaling of the performance is carried out using the Rasch model.

The feedback of results to take place half a year after testing, so the beginning of December 2012 for the first review of 8th grade in mathematics. According to the Regulation on educational standards, the evaluations have to be made so that on the basis of which can be done nationwide, statewide and school- based quality improvement measures.

Students, teachers and school administrators can retrieve their results by access code on the Internet, where the individual result of a student only it's even accessible and thus anonymity is guaranteed. School authorities and the BMUKK receive a summary of the results.

Pictures of Learning standards
