Least developed country

The concept of Least Developed Countries ( LDCs German: Least developed countries) is a defined by the United Nations socio-economic status, a group of 48 very poor countries has anywhere in the world. The least-developed countries in the world are often referred to as the " Fourth World ".


The name of the Least Developed Countries is often mistakenly used interchangeably with the terms Less Developed Countries, Developing Countries or Third World countries. However, it must be noted that the Least Developed Countries development far more vulnerable than Less Developed Countries (also Developing Countries ) are. Third World countries, however, include a much wider range of countries.

The abbreviation for LDC Least Developed Countries is often specified with LLDCs in order to avoid confusion with the Less Developed Countries, but this in turn brings confusion with the abbreviation LLDCs for Landlocked Developing Countries with them. Therefore, the Less Developed Countries are usually evasive called Developing Countries. Many agencies such as the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ ), or even some UN agencies, however, make no distinction between LDCs and LLDCs.

For the German language, the BMZ has become the abbreviation " LDC " or the vague term " developing country " defined due to the cumbersome translation. The Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation ( SDC) avoids the term "developing country" in favor of the term " partner country ".


Until 1990, were as decisive criteria for being classified as LDCs, per capita income, the share of industry in gross domestic product used (GDP ), and the literacy rate.

This criteria has been replaced in 1991 by four new, comprehensive criteria to take into account long -term development constraints such as structural weaknesses and low levels of human resource development in the assessment can.

The Committee for Development Policy used in its most recent review of the list of LDCs in 2009, the following three criteria for their classification:

To be added to the list, all three criteria must be met. In addition, since the fundamental importance of the list is to identify structural disadvantages - so numerically too small ethnic communities, - must not exceed the population of 75 million people.

From the list of LDCs, a country may be removed if it exceeds the (upper) limits of at least two of the first three criteria in at least two consecutive checks.

The differentiated underlying indicators are highly accepted worldwide. However, criticism is the population indicator, the basis of which this classification says little about the actual distribution of poverty in the world, the possible political exploitation of this classification and that the classification of very complex takes place.

Inclusion on the LDCs can be sought in respect of the State concerned definitely, as in the donor countries, the quality of policy development is often measured by its focus on the LDCs. Therefore, these preferred nichtrückzuzahlende subsidies ( grants) or loans obtained on more favorable terms (International Development Association, IDA).

The term " Least Developed Countries " leans heavily on the so-called Human Development Index ( HDI ), which is created every year as part of the development program of the United Nations to measure a country's development in terms of economic and social criteria. In this context, the Least Developed Countries denote the group of countries that is the end of this index. However, it is disputed whether the criteria of the HDI really justify a classification in an index, or whether such an arrangement is possible, which is why the term Least Developed Countries is also controversial.

Together with the developing countries without access to the sea ( Landlocked Developing Countries, LLDCs ) and those located in small islands developing countries (Small Iceland Developing States, or SIDS ), the LDCs since 2001 by a High Representative of the OHRLLS ( " Office of the High Representative for Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries and Small Iceland Developing States " ) represents. Due to a resolution of the UN General Assembly this office has been established at the seat of the World Organization in New York to assist in coordinating the various action programs for these groups of countries. An international policy area where this country groups receive special attention, is the international climate policy. Already in the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was agreed that States parties should take into account in relation to climate finance and technology transfer needs of the LDCs in particular. So there are in the UNFCCC process specific support for the LDCs, through the provision of information, consultancy in the planning of adaptation to global warming and by a special financial mechanism, the "Least Developed Countries Fund ( LDCF ) ".

Current LDCs
