Least slack time scheduling

Least Laxity First or " Prepare by space" referred to is a suitable specifically for multiprocessor computer scheduling method. It is, however, based on the simplified assumption that any process on any available processor has the same execution time and individual processes are not tied to a particular processor, although this is particularly the case in embedded systems.


The process scheduler chooses to process those processes first, who have not the slightest power. Under the scope of a process refers to the time difference between the time limit until the time at which the process must be completed, minus the supply time of the process and the execution time.


Thus, this scheduling method tries to execute each process as late as possible.


This method is optimal for interruptible processes.

It is best suited for systems with many aperiodic tasks.


This method has a high computational complexity result. In addition, use a lot of task switching are required.

  • Operating system theory