Lecture hall

A lecture hall (also Auditorium - Latin audire "hear" ) is a large room or hall, with chairs with (individual ) writing surface, take place in the lectures. The largest lecture hall of a university is usually called the Auditorium Maximum, or short lecture hall.

Lecture halls can be found usually in the university but also in schools ( here often called Aula ) and in larger companies to allow oral teaching, and large events. They often offer space for several hundred listeners.

The rows of seats are usually arranged ascending backwards to allow all seats good view of speakers, wall board and cards, canvas and the like. Lectern and Podium (formerly often with special access facilities ) serve the lecturer. Rows of seats are designed particularly steep in experimentally accompanied lectures, so good view of the experimental arrangement and the dissection table is also possible. Many lecture halls are equipped with multimedia technology such as video projectors, speakers, slide projectors and overhead projectors.

With the lecture hall of the university to connect numerous academic customs, such as the beating on the desks as applause and remain anonymous pawing with his feet as Missfallensäußerung.

With the auditorium and the audience is called.

Also the room or space of a monastery is described with an auditorium. Here could be spoken and here were hand and typing done. He (that is, to those who prescribe the Rule ) belongs to the Regular buildings was mostly in the vicinity of the cloister. His allegiance to the Regular buildings meant that he is under examination and therefore may be entered only by members of the monastery or in exceptions.
