Lee Bergere

Lee Bergere ( born April 10, 1918 in Brooklyn, New York City, New York, † January 31, 2007 in Fremont, New Hampshire ) was an American actor.

Life and career

Overall, he worked in over 70 film and television productions. Mostly in popular U.S. series. His most famous role was Bergere in the 1980s as a majordomo Joseph Anders in the television series Dynasty. Also in the series Falcon Crest, North and South, and Murder, She Wrote was Bergere to see. Fans of the series Star Trek know him from the sequence produced in 1968 since there are people (English: The Savage Curtain ), in which he portrayed Abraham Lincoln.

Lee Bergere died on 31 January 2007 in a nursing home in Fremont, New Hampshire.

Filmography (selection)
