Left Bloc

The Bloco de Esquerda (BE) [' blɔku də ' ( ɨ ) ʃkerdɐ ] listen / i, ( Portuguese: Left Bloc )? Has a Portuguese party alliance in the form of a party.

The BE was formed on the parliamentary elections of 1999, four organizations: the Marxist- Leninist União Democrática Popular ( UDP), the Trotskyist Partido Socialista Revolucionario ( PSR), the socialist grouping Política XXI and also Trotskyist FER Ruptura.

He is the globalization and the European Union towards critical. The group is committed to a more just society and is the Democratic Socialism close.

The Bloco de Esquerda referred to both as a party ( Partido o ) as well as movement ( Movimento o ). Legally, the Bloco de Esquerda is a party, but there are parts of the four organizations that have decided to establishing the link block to continue.

Since its inception, the BE many previously independent Left have connected. Since the 2004 European elections, the party is represented in the European Parliament, after the Portuguese parliament elections in 2005, they had eight MPs in the Assembleia da República, after she has gained almost seven percent of the vote, or 360,000 votes. In the last parliamentary elections in September 2009, the Bloco de Esquerda has doubled its number of seats to 16, with a profit of more than 4500 votes ( 3.47 %).

Traditionally high election results drives the Left Bloc in some parts of Lisbon, and in the districts of Faro and Setúbal.

On the fourth congress of the over 600 delegates BE voted overwhelmingly in favor of a full membership of the European Left, in which she had observer status until then. The BE would like to play a more active role in the development of an alternative European Left Party. The European Anti -Capitalist Left ( EAL ) is one of the BE on also.

Election results

  • European elections 1999: 1.79%, 0 Mandates
  • Parliamentary elections in 1999: 2.4%, 2 mandates
  • Presidential Elections 2001: 3.0% ( candidate was the historian Fernando Rosas )
  • Parliamentary elections in 2002: 2.7 %, 3 mandates
  • European elections 2004: 4.91%, 1 mandate
  • Parliamentary elections in 2005: 6.5 %, 8 mandates
  • Presidential Elections 2006: 5.3% ( candidate was the economist and deputy Francisco Louçã )
  • European elections 2009: 10.72 %, 3 mandates
  • Parliamentary elections in 2009: 9.82 %, 16 mandates
  • Parliamentary elections in 2011: 5.17%, 8 mandates