Left May languages

Spoken in

  • Left May Ama [ amm ]
  • Iteri [ itr ]
  • Nimo [ niw ]
  • Owiniga [ owi ]
  • Bo [ bpw ]
  • Nakwi [ nax ]

Left May or Arai is a language group that is native to the northwest of Papua New Guinea, on and in the hinterland of the west bank of the May River, a tributary of the Sepik ( Arai after the spot on the river ), to the east of the East Sepik Province and adjacent province Sandaun.

The area comprises about 60 km northeast-southwest extension. The speaker richest language of the family is Nimo with 415 native speakers. The other languages ​​are Iteri (Rocky Peak), Ama, Owiniga, and Nakwi and Bo, but which are also provided in a linguistically independent group. The languages ​​are highly endangered languages ​​, each spoken only in one or a few villages.

There can be no close relationship with any other of the indigenous language families demonstrate a possible upper grouping is Arai Kwomtari, with the Kwomtari group.

Nearby Sepik Ramu is spoken on the Sepik in the north and east, in the highlands in the southeast Ok, in the north- west there is the small island of voice Amto - Musan.
