Leipzig Interim

After the victory of Emperor Charles V in the Smalcald War on the Smalcald League rekatholisierende numerous actions have been specified in the Augsburg Interim. While the Protestants were able to implement the chalice for the laity and the priests marriage for the time being, however, this took place at the Catholic faith representatives do not consent, so this endeavor of the Augsburg Interim failed.

Since the former allies of Charles V, the new Elector Moritz of Saxony, the Reformation was inclined, rendered this Philipp Melanchthon and his electoral councils the task of drawing up a new church order. A combination of various formulas put Moritz before the Leipzig parliament for adoption. These so-called Leipzig Article mixed elements of Protestant theology and Catholic reform positions. So in the newly drawn shape retention of the Latin Mass, the feasts of Mary and of the Corpus Christi festival were provided. The stands took the article on December 22, 1548 but only in part. The force of law did not get the lyrics with it.

However, this came " Leipzig Interim " as the items were now called polemical, again with resistance in the ranks of the Protestants, who wanted to preserve the original teachings of Martin Luther. This led to a deep division of the Protestants in Gnesio-Lutherans and Philippists. A compromise then drew off in the Peace of Augsburg in 1555, but only with the agreement of the Formula of Concord in 1577 it came to a certain compensation of disputes.

  • Reformation
  • Reformation history
  • German history ( Holy Roman Empire )
  • Leipzig's history
  • Religion 1548
  • Philipp Melanchthon