Leonard C. Lewin

Leonard C. Lewin (* October 2, 1916; † 28 January 1999) was an American writer. Lewin is best known as the author of the satire damned peace.

Damn peace

The satire Bloody Peace appeared in 1967 under the title: Report From Iron Mountain on the Possibility and Desirability of Peace in a nonfiction publisher. An initial interview and a brief introduction to give the impression that it is in the rest of the plant to the report ( "Report" ) RELATES one working in the secret group of scientists. This " Special Study Group " met in a " Irom Mountain" called nuclear bomb -proof bunker to examine the negative consequences of a long peace, and to develop alternatives.

One of the scientists mentioned in the satire " John Doe", but decided to make it available to the final report of the public. To this end, he approached Leonard Lewin, who then bring the contacts necessary to " Dial Press " produced at the publishing house Simon & Schuster.

The report's conclusions are sobering, in which " peace is not in the interest of a stable society". War is too important to the economy than that one should " abolish " it. Moreover, governments also received their authority because of their ability to wage war, and would therefore also not interested to bring about a state of lasting peace.

If a lasting peace is inevitable, however, that the government should initiate alternative programs: the welfare state, a space program or a gigantic arms control program.

In addition was the creation of " alternative enemies " a possible solution; threats have been proposed by aliens, asteroid or massive global environmental pollution. But even gladiatorial games or public trials as in the Spanish Inquisition are conceivable.

In its release, the report was held by many people for real. This impression was reinforced by the fact that the U.S. government was generally met with suspicion, and this specially instructed its services, the display " report " as a joke.

A right-wing grouping ( Liberty Lobby ) went so far as to reprint the report as a government report not subject to copyright.

In 1972, five years after the publication of the book, known Lewin his authorship. A new edition published in 1996 contains a new introduction details the emergence of the " joke ".
