Leonard Mlodinow

Leonard Mlodinow (born 1954 in Chicago) is an American physicist and author. During his doctoral studies at the University of California, Berkeley and at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech ), he developed a new type of perturbation theory for eigenvalue problems in quantum mechanics. He later received a scholarship from the Alexander -von- Humboldt Foundation and worked at the Max Planck Institute for Astrophysics in Garching near Munich, where he undertook basic research to the quantum theory of dielectric materials with Mark Hillery. Currently, Leonard Mlodinow guest lecturer at Caltech.

In addition to his physical research and popular science publications Mlodinow also has scripts for various television series such as Star Trek: The Next Generation and MacGyver and together with Matt Costello wrote a children's book series.


  • The large N expansion in quantum mechanics, University of California, Berkeley in 1981. (Dissertation)
  • The window to the universe. A short history of geometry (Original: Euclid 's Window ), Oxford University Press 2002, ISBN 3-593-36931-1
  • Feynman's Rainbow. The Search for Beauty in Physics and in Life ( Original: Feynman 's Rainbow ), Reclam Verlag 2005, ISBN 3-379-00826-5
  • A Briefer History of Time by Stephen Hawking ( Original: A Briefer History of Time ), Random House 2006, ISBN 3-499-62197-5
  • If God play dice or As luck determines our lives. ( Original: The Drunkard 's Walk: How Randomness Rules Our Lives. ) Random House 2009, ISBN 3-498-04514-8.
  • The great design: A new explanation of the universe with Stephen Hawking, Random House 2010, ISBN 3-498-02991-6