Leopold Ullstein

Leopold Ullsteinhaus ( born September 6, 1826 in Fuerth, † December 4, 1899 in Berlin) was a German publisher.


Leopold Ullsteinhaus was first in his father's business, a Papiergroßhandlung in Fürth, trained and took over the business with his brothers in 1847. The Papiergroßhandlung was moved in the 1850s to Leipzig. After disputes among the Ullsteinhaus brothers Leopold retired from the family business founded in 1855 in Berlin his own Papiergroßhandlung. He also in 1871 joined the Society of Friends. From 1871 to 1877 he was politically active in the Berlin city council.

After leaving office, he founded the Ullstein after he had purchased the " New Berliner Tageblatt ", the associated print "Steel and Assmann " and the " Berliner Zeitung ". In 1894 bought the Ullsteinhaus founded in 1892 "Berliner Zeitung Illustrirte " which he eventually progressed to leading German weekly newspaper.

For liberal and Bismarck - critical policy Ullstein was the mouthpiece of his time. Innovation have made the company successful. With " The serene Fridolin " the first German children's magazine appeared, were popular fashion magazines with the slogan "Be frugal Brigitte, take Ullsteinhaus cuts ," the Berliner Zeitung offered a noon edition and the publisher had at times the fastest rotary presses worldwide. The addition of the Frankfurter Zeitung and the Berliner Tageblatt internationally relevant in Germany Vossische newspaper belonged since 1914 to Ullstein. Direct competitors on the Berlin and German newspaper market were the Publisher August Scherl, and Mosse Rudolf Leopold Ullsteinhaus.

Ullsteinhaus died in 1899 as a successful, respected newspaper publisher. His publisher at this time employed 1,600 people, his sons continued the business led and founded in 1903 the Ullsteinhaus book publishing and in 1919 the Propylaea publisher. Ullsteinhaus had five sons: John, Louis, Francis, and Rudolf Hermann Ullsteinhaus. Francis was married to Rosa Goldschmidt, the ex-wife Ernst Gräfenberg's. In his third marriage, she took Armin Wolrad Widekind Bela Erich Maria Gottschalk Count of Waldeck for her husband. Under the name Rosie Waldeck she became known as a writer.

Ullsteinhaus was buried in the Jewish cemetery Berlin Beautifully Allee in the E field, GA.


A road and the metro station Ullsteinstraße in Berlin- Tempelhof bear his name.
