Leopold Wächtler

Leopold Wächtler ( born October 30, 1896 in Penig, † 1961 in Leipzig ) was a German artist.

Life and work

After studying at the Leipzig Royal Academy of Graphic Arts and Book Trade in Alois Kolb and study trips to Paris, Italy, Spain, Africa and the Balkans seemed Leopold Wächtler as a freelance artist and graphic designer in Leipzig. In addition to his preferred woodblock technique, he also worked in scissor and linocut. Especially his portrait woodcuts of composers, including Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, Hugo Wolf, Max Rieger, by writers such as Thomas Mann, Henrik Ibsen or Theodor Storm and other personalities such as Albert Schweitzer, Heinrich Pestalozzi and Marie Curie are known.

He also created landscapes especially in southern Germany, including from Berchtesgaden Rothenburg ob der Tauber.

His work in 1937 and 1947 honored with special exhibitions at the Leipzig artists house. In the 1950s he published several Solution Compilation with original woodcuts.
