
Spotted Gar fish ( Lepisosteus oculatus )

Lepisosteus is a genus of gars, which occurs in four species in North and Central America.


Of the species of the genus Atractosteus the Lepisosteus species differ by only one series enlarged fangs along the outer jaw, while the palatine bone bears no enlarged teeth. The gill rakers are small and pear-shaped, with only 14 to 33 rays on the first gill arch. The body is slimmer than Atractosteus and extended the muzzle clear. On the back, tail and anal fins, they have spots.

Systematics and evolution

There are four extant species of the genus known:

  • Spotted gar ( Lepisosteus oculatus )
  • Common gar ( Lepisosteus osseus )
  • Short - beaked garfish ( Lepisosteus platostomus )
  • Florida gar ( Lepisosteus platyrhincus )