Leptadenia pyrotechnica

Leptadenia pyrotechnica.

Leptadenia pyrotechnica is a species of the genus in the subfamily Leptadenia the milkweed plants ( Asclepiadoideae ) within the family dogbane family ( Apocynaceae ).


Leptadenia pyrotechnica is a highly branched shrub, reaches the heights of growth of 1 to 3 meters. The roots reach up to 12 m below the surface. He usually has green to gray - green branches and usually no leaves are present. Are these still exist, they are opposite, are sessile, about 2 cm long and 3 mm wide.

The greenish- yellow flowers have a diameter of 2 mm and are in axillary, zymösen inflorescences. The fruits are up to 8 inches long.


Leptadenia pyrotechnica comes in Africa in the Sahara and Sahel, on the Arabian Peninsula and in the East to India before.
