Lesser spot-nosed monkey

Small White nose monkey ( Cercopithecus petaurista )

The Little White nose monkey ( Cercopithecus petaurista ) is a primate of the species of vervet monkeys ( Cercopithecus ) within the family Cercopithecidae ( Cercopithecidae ).


Small white nose monkeys have a red-brown fur, the limbs are colored black. Named giving feature is a white, short hair from existing nose spot, the face is also surrounded by a white whiskers. The animals reach a body length of 40 to 60 centimeters, the tail is additionally up to 80 inches long. The weight ranges from 4 to 8 kg, with males larger and heavier than females.

Distribution and habitat

Small white nose monkeys are native to West Africa, their range extends from Gambia to Ghana and Togo. They inhabit a variety of habitats, but prefer dense forests lined with bushes, often in the vicinity of water.

Way of life

These animals are diurnal and arboreal, who are located in the lower and middle layers of the trees. They live in groups of around 15 to 20 animals, which are composed of one male, several females and their offspring. Within the group, the animals communicate with a range of sounds and gestures.

Fruits make up the main component of their diet, they also eat leaves, insects and young shoots.

After about five months of gestation, the female gives birth to usually a single young is born that is weaned at around six months and two to three years reach puberty.


Although they are pulled through hunting and destruction of their habitat affected, it is still not an endangered species according to IUCN.


Within the genus of vervet monkeys ( Cercopithecus ) counts the Little White nose monkey to cephus group and is thus close to the blue mouth monkey and other related. With the Great White nose monkey, however, is only a distant relationship.
