
Humanities is a municipality with 6149 inhabitants ( 31 December 2012) in the province of Naples, Campania region. It is part of the Comunità Montana Bergkomune Mons Lactarius - Sorrento Peninsula

The nearby towns of Humanities are Angri (SA), Casola di Napoli, Corbara (SA), Gragnano, Ravello (SA), Sant'Antonio Abate and Tramonti (SA).


The village is approached from afar for wedding celebrations. Therefore, in place for the region above average number of restaurants available.

The castle of Lettere is out of the plane of the river Sarno, between Torre Annunziata and the city of Sarno, visible from afar. It stands on a rocky spur in over 300 m in height. Trapped in the castle cathedral was built under the reign of the Archbishop of Amalfi. In bauarchäologischen comparing the bell tower could be dated to the 12th century. However, documents call the place already 987 At this time, it was a fortified village with a cathedral. The fort served the Prince of Amalfi as attachment to the northern border, as such it is mentioned from the 11th century. At the end of the Middle Ages it was a fort with an enclosed village and cathedral. The Lords of Humanities altered the structure of a purely military installation to a Feudal through the opening of many resistant. Under the rule of Anjou, the task of the fort completed as a border. Thus depopulated the village and the cathedral in 1570 mentioned as a ruin.


Lettere counts 1,908 households. Between 1991 and 2001 the population increased from 5,415 to 5,605. This represents a percentage increase of 3.5%.
