Levatores costarum muscles

The Musculi levatores costarum (Latin for " ribs Heber ," Singular levator costae ) are a set of short skeletal muscles that belong to the " site- standing back muscles ." Drag from the ribs to transverse processes continue lying cephalad vertebra. In humans, 12 of these muscle pairs are formed that are applicable between the last cervical and eleventh thoracic vertebrae approach. Skip this one vertebral segment (musculi levatores costarum breves, " short ribs lifter "). The bottom four are divided into two strands, one of which skips a two segments. These are called " long beads jack " (musculi levatores costarum longi ).

The name of these muscles is misleading because they " raise " not the ribs, but pull the vertebral body down and make thus in unilateral contraction of a lateral flexion and bilateral contraction to straighten up the spine.

  • Skeletal muscle of the trunk
  • Rib