Levo-Transposition of the great arteries

Corrected transposition of the great arteries ( CTGA or ccTGA - congenitally Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries, also known as l -TGA or laevo - transposition of the great arteries) is a rarely occurring, complex malformation of the human heart, in which the ventricles (heart chambers ) are reversed: the atria ( atria ) are connected to the "wrong" ventricle, the large arteries of the go "false " of the ventricles ( transposition). This double permutation is given a functioning circulatory system (in contrast to TGA) and the child is not cyanotic (oxygen deficiency). Often this disease is combined with other defects ( flaps malformations, pulmonary stenosis, ventricular septal defect, mitral regurgitation ..).

The symptoms may be low ( partly the child appears healthy ) to be severe (increasing shortness of breath, no weight gain in the first weeks after birth), and are dependent on the individual form.

The problem is mainly the congestion of morphological right ( functionally left ) ventricle, which must maintain the systemic circulation. In additional ventricular septal defect (shunt) it comes to a long term problem increased lung pressure.

For several years, several times ( technically demanding ) "double switch" carried out operation in which the major arteries are deflected such that the normal blood flow is produced by the ventricles.
