
A Spotted Darter from the genus darters

The Libelluloidea form a superfamily within the suborder of large dragonflies ( Anisoptera ).


The results summarized in this superfamily species exhibit very close together on opposite compound eyes. Furthermore, the wing triangle in front wing angles to the wing the longest and has a Subdreieck on. Also the wing triangle is very far from Arculus. In hind wings, however, the wing triangle in direction of the wing is longer, has no Subdreieck and is close to the Arculus. The representatives of this superfamily have no ovipositor. The superfamily is regarded as monophyletic.


The Libelluloidea are subordinate to four partially very species-rich families.

  • Falk Dragonflies ( Corduliidae )
  • Macromiidae
  • Sailing Dragonflies ( Libellulidae )
  • Synthemistidae

Furthermore, '19 genera with ' incertae sedis to the Libelluloidea.

Scientific description

The taxon was established in 1815 by Leach.
