Liberation Monument

The Liberation Tower is an obelisk in the North Korean capital Pyongyang to commemorate the soldiers of the Red Army, the mitverhalfen on August 24, 1945 Pyongyang and occupied Korea for independence from the Japanese Empire.


The monument was built in 1946. During the Korean War it was severely damaged and rebuilt after the war. In 1985 a restoration was carried out. It is located in Moranbong Park in the downtown district of Chung- guyŏk near the ramp to Rungna Bridge and is the contact point for government delegations and tourists. According to a tradition, it is also frequently visited by newly wed couples.

On 1 August 1985, a stamp was issued with a motif of the tower in the Soviet Union on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Korean independence.

In July 2000, Russian President Vladimir Putin to the fallen Soviet soldiers commemorated on a state visit to North Korea before the Liberation Tower during a wreath-laying ceremony.


The monument is located on a hill and is accessible via a staircase. It consists of a stele, on the tip of which a five-pointed red star is. Its total height is 30 meters.


Originally, the Liberation Tower also included a commemorative plaque for Josef Stalin. This was removed in 1959 in advance of a planned state visit by Nikita Khrushchev. However, the visit did not take place.

Furthermore, the political motivation of the construction of the monument to read in Russian and Korean language on the base of the stele.

Russian text on the front:

Великий советский народ разгромил японских империалистов и освободил корейский народ. Кровью, пролитой советскими воинами при освобождении Кореи, еще больше укрепились узы дружбы между корейским и советским народами. В знак всенародной благодарности воздвигнут этот памятник. 15 августа 1945 года.

German translation:

The great Soviet people defeated the Japanese imperialists and liberated the Korean people. The blood that was shed by Soviet soldiers during the liberation of Korea, served to reaffirm the bonds of friendship that unites the Korean and the Soviet people. This monument was built to express the gratitude of the Korean people expressed. August 15, 1945

Russian text on the back:

Вечная слава великой Советской Армии, освободившей корейский народ от ига японских империалистов и открывшей ему путь к свободе и независимости! 15 августа 1945 г.

German translation:

Eternal glory to the great Soviet army liberated the Korean people by the Japanese imperialists and showed him the way to freedom and independence! August 15, 1945
