Liberty Meadows

At Liberty Meadows ( Free hallways ) is a humorous comic strip of the artist Frank Cho ( b. 1971 as Duk Hyun Cho ).


The strip was published from March 30, 1997 in daily resulted in many U.S. newspapers. In 2002, the contract ran out with the marketer Creator Syndicate, and the publication of the Daily Strips has been set. As a result, the stories have been published in books and anthologies on. Also, new stories were added. In 1999 appeared the first volume of reprints at the publisher Insight Studios Group.

In Germany, the strips have been published since 2002 in the Westdeutsche Zeitung ( WAZ). The albums were issued by Salleck - Publications. The first issue won the 1999 Ignatz Awards in the categories " most outstanding artists " and " most outstanding comic".


Liberty Meadows animal sanctuary itself is a special kind of the animals who reside here, all have a mental crack that makes them but very loveable. There are, among others naive Drake Truman, Ralph Baer ( once a circus attraction ), the hypochondriac Breitmaulfrosch Leslie and the smoking and guzzling pig Dean. This chaotic group is looked after by the very attractive psychologist Brandy and the shy veterinarian Frank.

Frank, the duck, Dean and Ralph were determined as experimental animals of a pharmaceutical laboratory. However, they accidentally ended up at a college. A law of the Clinton administration allowed them to enroll at the University as students. There they drive all kinds of nonsense. Frank meets Brandy and falls into it.

  • Comic Strip
  • American comic (factory )