
Libpng (formerly pnglib ) is the official reference library for the Portable Network Graphics image format (PNG). The library is platform independent and contains functions for processing of PNG files that are written in the C programming language. It supports almost all features of PNG, the library is extensible and widely used. Tests take place regularly for 16 years. libpng depends on the data compression and decompression handling of the zlib library.

Libpng is provided under the terms of the libpng license, a permissive open source license that is available and is free software. It is used in both free and proprietary applications, either directly or through the use of a higher- level picture library.


  • Official Website
  • Libpng development page
  • Libpng User Guide ( English)
  • The Lab Book Pages: Creating PNGs with libpng (English speaking)


  • Graphics library
  • C ( programming language)