
Librarians are caregivers and administrators of libraries. You are responsible for the professional development of knowledge areas and holdings of the library and library management tasks. When utilizing stocks, the knowledge of the librarian is not exhausted alone is to know about the location of the media in its library / library decision, but it gives the user other sources, such as databases or websites to which this otherwise not have access has. Librarians also ensure often the necessary public relations, organizing readings and support the promotion of reading.

Training and professional groups

Basically, a distinction was made in education in the recent past between librarians in public and academic libraries as well as made ​​a classification on three levels:

  • A three- year vocational training program leads to the degree as a professional employee of Media and Information Services (formerly library assistant or assistant to libraries, depending on the orientation ). In Switzerland, a similar training exists ( ie here specialist / expert information and documentation EFZ ).
  • The Diploma in Librarian ( FH), Bachelor or Master takes place in Germany at several colleges, including the University of Darmstadt, University of Applied Sciences, Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Cologne University of Applied Sciences, economy and culture of Leipzig, the Fachhochschule Potsdam, the Stuttgart Media University and the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Hannover. In Switzerland, also a specialist higher education courses (training for information and documentation specialist ) or a postgraduate degree are visited.
  • An academic librarian ( Senior Services ) is a university graduate with a librarian additional training, which is different depending on the province. Traditionally, the additional training shall be completed in the form of a library traineeship as an official revocation in most states. In North Rhine -Westphalia, the training is carried out centrally at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne, where the graduates receive upon successful completion of the title "Master of Library and Information Science" ( MALIS ).
  • At the Humboldt University in Berlin you can complete a bachelor's degree and master's degree in library and information science. It is also possible to study library and information management in the context of a six-semester course at the College of Media in Stuttgart. The course is also offered in Hamburg, Leipzig and Cologne.

Education in Switzerland

Training opportunities in Switzerland, to the so -called I D occupations, which includes, among other things, the traditional job titles librarian / librarian, archivist / archivist and librarian / Documentalists can be very diverse. For this purpose, you will find a separate article on "Training in I D range in Switzerland ".

Historical Aspects

In Germany women received 1900 access to the work area of library work. The first German librarian was Bona Peiser.

The profession was predominantly a male domain in Austria until at least the Second World War. Similar to the " teachers celibacy " was for librarians in the Austrian civil service according to statutory provisions to the beginning of the First Republic, in practice, far longer that they had to give up their position when they were financially secure through marriage. This scheme was prepared by the " dual regulation " of 1933.

Famous librarians

Many historical figures who worked as a librarian, including, for example, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Immanuel Kant, Giacomo Casanova, Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich Hölderlin, Jacob Grimm, Johann Andreas Schmeller, Wilhelm Grimm, August Heinrich Hoffmann von Faller life, Friedrich Engels, Adolf von Harnack, Pius XI. and Jorge Luis Borges. For the development of librarianship and library science were important, among other things SR Ranganathan, Melvil Dewey and Martin Schrettinger.

Pictures of Librarian
