Libri Feudorum

The Libri Feudorum (also in the singular liber Feudorum ) is a term for a Lombard Lehnsrechtsammlung, are enshrined in the important provisions for the high medieval feudal system. In addition, the Lehnsgesetze Conrad II ( 1037 ), Lothar III. ( 1136 ) and Frederick I ( 1158 ), are important sources of law.

The text survives in three versions that have arisen between the mid-12th and mid-13th century:

The second, called Ardizonische review is the basis for the oldest legal commentary on the texts by Pilius. On his incomplete comments based comments of Accursius, who received also legal texts which had not yet heard in older versions of the canon (eg the Lehngesetz Emperor Lothar von 1136, the public peace, the regalia catalog and Lehngesetz Emperor Frederick I. of Roncaglia ( 1158 ) and the coronation laws of Emperor Frederick II of 1220 ). The authority of the Accursius meant that its text version of the libri Feudorum were included in the Vulgate version of the Corpus iuris Civilis and his comments ordinaria subject of legal education have been as part of Glossa. Since the 13th century found the libri Feudorum extensive legal commentaries (Andreas de Isernia, Odofredus bononiensis, John Fasolus, Henricus de Segusio, Baldus de Ubaldis, Jacques de Revigny, Jean de Blanot, Alvarottus Jacobus, Jacobus de Ardizone, Jacobus de Belvisio, Jason de Mayno, Johannes Antonius de Sancto Georgio, John Blancus, Martinus Syllimanni, Mattheus de Afflictis ).

The text was to the French Revolution basis of European feudalism.


  • Consuetudines Feudorum, Edit. v. Karl Lehmann ( ND Aalen 1971), Göttingen 1892 ( Bibliotheca rerum historicarum ).
  • Karl Lehmann: The Lombard feudal law. Manuscripts, text development, the oldest text and Vulgattext addition to the capitula extraordinaria, Göttingen 1896.


  • Peter Weimar: liber Feudorum, in: Encyclopedia of the Middle Ages, Vol 5, Col. 1943-1944.
  • Mario Montorzi: Diritto feudal nel basso medioevo. Materiali di lavoro e strumenti per l' critici esegesi della glossa ordinaria ai Libri Feudorum, con la Ristampa anastatica dei ' Libri Feudorum ' e della loro glossa ordinaria, Turin 1991.
  • Magnus Ryan: ' Ius commune Feudorum ' in the thirteenth century, in: ... colendo iustitiam et iura condendo ... Federico II legislatore del Regno di Sicilia nell'Europa del Duecento, ed. by Andrea Romano, Rome 1997, pp. 51-66.
  • Peter Weimar: The manuscripts of the Liber Feudorum and his glosses, in: idem: On the renaissance of law in the Middle Ages, Goldbach 1997 ( Bibliotheca eruditorum / International Library of Science ).