
A licentiate (also licentiate; . Licentiatus derived from the Latin, abbreviated lic) the holder of an academic Licentia docendi is ( " permission to teach "). It is an academic degree, which was originally acquired subsequent to the baccalaureate and partly as a prerequisite for a master's degree or doctorate, partly as a more or less equal standing equivalent. In the significance and position of licentiate to other academic degrees each epoch, the country and possibly the university and its faculty are considered.

For word usage

" The Licentiate " or " the Lizentiatin " refers to the owner of the degree, " licentiate " degree itself " The Lizentiatur " in the narrower sense of the acquisition or the awarding of the degree, analogous to the promotion, but is also synonymous with licentiate of the degree itself uses.


In the Middle Ages the licentiate was a bachelor with teaching license. Today, the title is awarded as a postgraduate degree (similar to the doctorate of a promotion ).

Protestant Theology

Until 1944/45, most Protestant theological faculties in Germany awarded the degree as part of a promotion procedure.

Catholic Theology

The Licentiate (or doctorate) is the academic requirement to teach at universities in the church ecclesiastical university regulations. It can (usually based on a state exam or diploma or master's degree ) are aimed at universities and religious universities with faculty rank. In the Catholic Church a theological, biblical or canonical doctorate or licentiate Doctor (. . Theol, Dr. theol about lic. ) Is a prerequisite for appointment as Vicar General, Bishop or Bishop; of which may be waived at large experience in these fields ( cf. Can. 378 and 478 of the Code of Canon Law [ CIC ] of 1983). An ex officio proceedings ( judicial vicar ), diocesan judge, promoter of justice or marriage defender of the bond must for licentiate or doctorate in canon law ( lic jur. Can., Dr. jur. Can. JCL) PhD (cf. Can. 1420f and 1435 CIC). Roman ecclesiastical universities awarded the Licentiate of them with technical term, for example in Biblical Studies ( lic bibl. ).


The Free University of Berlin awarded the title lic. rer. publ. ( the latter was repeated baseline 2002) for a three-year part-time postgraduate course for journalists. Only every 40 applicants for this course were taken per year. Currently it is not possible to apply for this course: its future is uncertain due to the pending reoccupation of the competent professor and the financial situation of the FU Berlin.


Until the 1990s, was offered by the University of the Saarland, a Licentiate degree in justice ( lic iur. ). The Licentiate corresponded to a master's degree or diploma after five to seven years of study and eligible for promotion. Eligibility for promotion was, however, denied by some faculties outside of the Saarland, so by the Faculty of Law of the Rheinische -Friedrich -Wilhelms University of Bonn in 1988. For political reasons, this conclusion was abolished after the reunification and the associated integration of graduate lawyers of the GDR, mainly because the state examination was considered to be relevant for a legal conclusion. The Licentiate corresponded substantially to the first legal state examination, however, went to his requirements for admission to the examination and the examination components beyond that, although it is not authorized for inclusion in the legal training. The audit consisted of a scientific ( eight-week ) work, four exams in the areas of Civil Law 1, 2 Public Law, Criminal Law 3 4 Commercial Law and a several-hour oral examination. The Audit Committee was composed of professors / lecturers of the faculty, who were also auditor of the judicial examination office simultaneously. In addition, the licentiate allowed in the testing area of ​​scientific work and oral examination, an additional specialization in not covered by the state exam jurisdictions, for example, in canon law, etc. ( Regulations for the award of the university degree of a licentiate of the law of 11 February 1981, as amended with effect from June 9, 1993 ).


In Switzerland, the Licentiate in addition to the diploma made ​​to the implementation of the Bologna process the completion of university studies. Depending on the field ( and in some cases even after university) a variety Lizenziatsgrade were distinguished: lic. iur., lic. nat., lic. oec., lic. phil., lic. phil. hist, lic. phil. nat., lic. phil. hum. , lic. theol., lic. rer. pol. , lic. rer. soc. etc. The Licentiate is in Switzerland with the newly introduced master's degree equivalent. It was - together with a defined by the university Lizenziatsnote (Average) - the prerequisite for the promotion starts.

Spain and Portugal

In the Spanish-speaking world is the Licenciatura the standard graduate degree, for example in the social sciences, which is equivalent to, among others, the master or the German diploma. Licenciatura or Licenciatura Superior ( the abbreviation for the extension name is Lic or Ldo. / Lda. ( For licenciado / da ) ) is in Spain and Portugal, a state university degree ( título oficial ), the right to promotion. It is roughly equivalent to the German Diploma. The study is scientifically oriented, the normal course duration is between four and six years which are divided into two stages (primer ciclo and segundo ciclo ). Some Licenciatura degree programs (eg, education, anthropology ), only in the segundo ciclo ( a 2 - to 3 -year graduate level) are studied, it must initially a Diplomatura be purchased.

This conclusion is supported by the Bologna Process, leaving most of the study subjects. Important exceptions are medicine and architecture. Whether an already awarded Licenciatura will in future be recognized as Bachelor or Master, is still unclear and in 2008 was still the subject of intense debate.

In most Latin American countries the Licenciatura called a first degree, of the German diploma is indeed comparable and access to doctoral studies, but only usually complemented by a Maestría or a master. In Brazil, was formerly the Licenciatura in " Licenciatura Curta " (after 3 years of study ) and " Licenciatura Plena " (4 years of study, state university degree ) divided; the " Plena " qualified teachers for teaching in high school. This practice and a non-uniform title award (after 4 or 5 years ) make a comparison with the German education system difficult.

Other countries

While the French license or the Polish licencjat at Bachelor level are inter- university degrees, it is in Belgium the Master equivalent degree which is awarded after 4 or 5 years of university studies.

In Finland and Sweden is the Licentiate (Finnish: lisensiaatti; Swedish: licentiatexamen ) is a research-oriented degree between master and doctoral degrees. This degree is awarded as part of the so-called research training after about half of a doctoral degree program in these two countries.
