Lichen simplex chronicus

Lichen simplex Chronicus is a local constant, chronic, inflammatory, plaque-like and lichinoide ( nodular ) skin disease, which runs in spurts and is accompanied by severe itching. It is also known under the name cirumscripta eczema, lichen chronicus Vidal Vidal or disease.


Lichen simplex Chronicus manifested by a spatially constant, severe itching, which can not be mitigated by scratching. It formed hemp-seeds, hard and reddish brown or skin-colored papules, which leads to a dimensional thickening ( lichenification ) lead of the skin. Preferably, the neck region, extensor surfaces of the forearms and lower legs, sacral region and the genital area are affected. Mental stress or stress can lead to deterioration or even on the recurrence of the disease. Lichen simplex chronicus is chronic in every case.


The causes of lichen simplex chronicus are not yet clear. Discussed a minus variant of atopic eczema. But apparently come as psychological factors to bear. The fact is that any irritation of the skin to the exacerbation of lichen herd leads. This is the biggest problem the scratching dar. There will be a chain reaction. The itching is occurring trying to breastfeed by scratching, which in turn leads to the itching intensified occurs again, etc.


The diagnosis is made on the one hand from the symptoms (itching, lichenification and chronic course ) and on the other from the histology. Here, a tissue sample is removed from the modified area and examined histologically in a biopsy. Lichen simplex chronicus which can be diagnosed in this way. In the run should be considered possible differential diagnoses, such as allergic contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis or lichen planus.


Since it is in lichen simplex Chronicus to a chronic disease is, in which the causes and triggers are unknown, long-term therapy is essential to create. In addition, the disease proves to be extremely resistant to therapy. Is treated with cortisone ointments which usually are used under occlusive dressings. Against the itching antihistamines may be used. Good results can also be achieved by using the phototherapy or PUVA therapy. The patient may be careful not to cover affected areas of the body constantly with clothes, because solar radiation and ventilation of the diseased skin affects advantageous to healing from. It should also be taken not to cause unnecessary irritation of the skin (eg, hard, abrasive sponges or scented shower gel ). Even if a lichen simplex chronicus cooker is completely healed once, the probability that it occurs at the same location again after 6-12 months, high. Since the occurring strong itching can lead to a considerable limitation of the quality of life depending on the extent of the disease, Psychosomatic support of patients is advisable.

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