Licor 43

Licor 43 is a Spanish liqueur with 31% vol. Alcohol.


The Licor 43 is produced since 1924 by the distillery Diego Zamora SA in Cartagena, Region of Murcia. He is said to have evolved from a 2000 year old recipe. With the acquisition of the company Dethleffsen Berentzen took over in 1998 the distribution rights for Licor 43 and could more than quadruple sales in Germany during the subsequent four years. As of March 2009 took over the Campari Germany sales of liquor, which was first exceeded in 2008, sales of one million bottles.

The name comes from the liqueur the 43 ingredients from which it is produced according to a secret recipe. Mostly it involves spices, one of the ingredients is vanilla from herausschmeckt most clearly. In Spain it is called the liqueur usually just " Cuarenta y Tres ," according to the Spanish words for the number " Forty-three ."

In recent years he has also - established with milk mixed as a long drink under the names milk 43 / 43 Blanco or breast milk, and Licor 43 and milk are mixed about 1:3 - in discos and nightclubs, particularly in Mallorca. In the summer of 2010 came Licor 43 in Germany as a 43er passion fruit juice into the glasses. Also widely used is the mixture of Licor 43 with orange juice.

The taste is influenced relatively sweet and of vanilla.
