Life stance

Are connected the right way of life - for personal opinion - the values ​​associated with a Behind the attitude to life.

Under attitude is so contrary to the lifestyle that illustrates the "how" personal life style, to understand the " Why ", which gives answer to the question why we live a certain lifestyle.

The way of life can be made conscious philosophical, religious, political or individual psychological considerations and convictions resulting out and ( so family, school, work, in the broad sense " the Company") associated with the desired rule violations against the environment. More often seems to be the conscious and unconscious and rather unreflective assumption pre -living life settings and thus a conformist way of life prevail. This conformist way of life is at best accompanied by developmental border crossings, which occupy a permanent place in the socialization from childhood to adulthood. However, the underlying limits are not static but are constantly evolving and varied from generation to generation and even within this continually.
