
LifeType is a free weblog platform with support for multiple blogs and users in a single installation. It was written in PHP and requires a MySQL database. LifeType is Free Software released under the GNU General Public License and is provided for free download.


  • Multiple blogs per installation
  • Subdomains
  • Multiple users per blog
  • Integrated media management ( podcasting, automatic thumbnails, multiple files, file browser )
  • Plugins
  • Anti- spam features ( Bayesian spam filters, Comment moderation, Captcha - including a barrier-free reCAPTCHA plugins Trackback review )
  • Mobile blogging ( moblog )


The LifeType project began in February 2003 when Oscar Renalias took a couple of scripts for his personal website. Although at that time the concept of weblogs did not know, the first results of the project reminded of this concept already. A few weeks later beat Francesc, another founding member, the development of a Weblog system with support for multiple blogs and multiple users as a better idea before. So pLog was 0.1 on 2 September 2003 with virtually all basic functions, which still constitute the core published. These include the template with Smarty support, multi-language capability and plug-in functionality.
