LIFO (computing)

Last In - First Out (. LIFO, English " last in - first out " ) refers to the way in which

  • Goods are stored in a warehouse (see also storage )
  • Be assessed and taxed consumer goods - LIFO consumption of inventory identifies the assumption that the recent stocks are first used or have been. In the LIFO valuation in accounting, this assumption is made only notionally for evaluation purposes. Effective or physically but can be elected (eg FIFO) also another inventory management.
  • Data are stored in a stack or stack and retrievable. Significant DC term is "Last come, first served " ( LCFS ).


The LIFO principle is similar to a vertical stack of books. Elements are accessed in exactly the opposite order in which they were previously stored, that is the first ( " bottom " ) element is retrieved last. According to the last ( " supreme" ) is retrieved element first.

The operation in which a new object is placed on the stack is called a "push". During surgery, "pop" the top object is read ( top of stack ) and simultaneously deleted. If the top object is read-only and is not cleared, an operation called "Top" or " peek " will be used.

The names of push and pop arisen from the resemblance to a stack of trays in a cafeteria: If a tray placed on the stack, the stack is pushed down ( english to push, press ); is a tray from the stack, " pops " the stack to the top.

All programming languages ​​use LIFO memory ( stack ) for internal purposes, the stack -oriented languages ​​for the operations on data.

Types of LiFo Verfahres ( tax law )

The assessment by the LIFO method can be used both by permanent LiFo and by period LiFo take place (see also paragraph 6.9 R 4 Income Tax Regulations ).

Permanent LIFO method

With permanent LIFO method, the inflows and outflows are continuously (permanent) quantity and value recorded so that inventories are constantly being updated.

Period LIFO method

The period LIFO method represents a simplification in the relationship, that only within certain time periods (eg, the marketing year) the inventory changes must be determined. If, at the end of the period, no changes in inventory, so the values ​​of the initial stocks are increasing. If the inventory has increased, the additional stock is deemed to be the acquisition or production cost of the first inventory increases the marketing year or the average acquisition or production costs of all entries of the financial year. This one separately to be evaluated new layer (layer ) is formed in the amount up these costs. If the inventory has decreased, the small quantities of the last formed layer ( or layers ) to those (whose ) Rating ( s) must be deducted the opening balance.
