Light curve

As a light curve of an astronomical object is defined as the graph illustrating the dependence of brightness of time. From changes in the luminosity, which is measured as apparent magnitude, conclusions can be drawn on the properties of the observed object.

For variable stars the classification is primarily based on the light curves. For the eclipsing binaries and the minima at the stars pulsating variables and the eruptive variables are used to determine the maxima of the period.

On the basis of the light curve of asteroid ( minor planet ), which are often is irregularly shaped body whose rotation period can be determined. If one of these sometimes small body is covered by the Earth's Moon, its diameter can be calculated from the duration of the light decrease calculate.

Many of the detected exoplanets were detected by the method of occultation by an analysis of the light curve. Here a minimum, periodic decrease in luminosity of a star is observed.
