
Ligosullo is a village with 133 inhabitants (as at 31 December 2012) in the Italian province of Udine and is located about 50 kilometers north of the city of Udine ( as well as 7 kilometers south of the border to Austria, approximately in the middle of the triangle Lienz -Villach -Udine ). It is the last village of the Pontaiba valley before climbing down into the channel of Incarojo.

Geological features

Ligosullo lies in a geological point of view considered by the special area: It is one of the few parts of Friuli, which is created from volcanic rocks. If you follow the old military road, these rocks are easy to spot: They are distinguished from the others by their green dark color and they contain small white crystals.

History and Sights

The origin of the name is uncertain Ligosullo and seems to go back to the Celtic or proto- Slavic language. Ancient origins are probable but not provable, most lost in the legend.

The first surviving historical documents date back to the Middle Ages. Given its strategic location, it was settled a long time ago. Ligosullo was a kind of guard of the valleys Pontaiba and Incarojo. In its vicinity is a kind of network of castles and fortresses should be raised. From all this evidence are located in Valdajer castle (now a guest house and hotel ), which towers above the village, along the road leading to the lake Dimon. Outside the village, which is located at an altitude of 949 m, the road falls in an easterly direction again after Paularo from, which is about 7 kilometers away.


  • Jacob Nicolaus Craigher de Jachelutta (1797-1855), Austrian poet and translator and a Belgian diplomat in Trieste