
Turk's cap lily ( Lilium martagon )

The lily -like ( Liliales ) are an order of monocots.


There are herbaceous plants. All taxa are geophytes. The outlasting are in the lily family ( Liliaceae ) always onions, at the Timeless family ( Colchicaceae ) tubers and in the Germer family ( Melanthiaceae ) rhizomes. The leaves are parallel-veined and not divided into petiole and leaf blade.

There are usually formed racemose inflorescences. Most radial symmetry flower of the lily -like are triple. The bloom is usually conformed, so there are (2 × 3) six tepals. At the lower end of the tepals or stamens nectar is secreted. Most three carpels grow to an ovary, which may be above or below constantly and usually contains many ovules. They usually form fruit capsules.


Among the lily -like ( Liliales ) includes ten plant families:

  • Inca Lily Family ( Alstroemeriaceae, including Luzuriagaceae )
  • Campynemataceae
  • Timeless plants ( Colchicaceae )
  • Corsiaceae
  • Lily family ( Liliaceae )
  • Germer plants ( Melanthiaceae )
  • Petermanniaceae: With only one type: Petermannia cirrosa
  • Rhipogonum


  • Description of the order of Liliales in APWebsite (English )