Lilium tsingtauense

Lilium tsingtauense

Lilium tsingtauense is a species in the genus of lilies ( Lilium) in the Martagon section.


Your onion is nearly round, up to 2.5 inches tall and yellowish-white, the scales are lanceolate. The plant reaches a height of 70 to 150 centimeters. The leaves are partly scattered and partly scattered in one to four whorls on the stem standing leaves are lanceolate to wrong - lanceolate, leaves of whorls, however, obovate to oblong - round.

Bloom time is early July to late July. In a paniculate inflorescence are one to six weakly downward -looking, yellow-orange, spotted flowers together. The only lily of the Martagon section has upright, star-shaped flowers. The capsule fruit ripens from August to September. The seed germinates delayed - hypogeous.


Lilium tsingtauense is located in Northeast China and Korea. The plant prefers well-drained, light sandy to medium loamy soils, with neutral to acidic pH and semi -shady to sunny locations in open forests or between tall grasses. In South Korea, it is spread throughout the country, of the deposits there is a growth in 60 to 80% shade is reported.


Synonyms for Lilium Lilium tsingtauense are miquelianum Makino and Lilium carneum Nakai.

In addition to the nominate form, there are two varieties:

  • Lilium tsingtauense var flavum, with yellow flower.
  • Lilium maculatum var tsingtauense

