Lilla Harrie

Lilla Harrie is a locality ( tätort ) in the southern Swedish province of Skåne County and the historical province Scania.

The place in the community Kävlinge lies on the River Kävlingeån, near the town of Lund.


In December 1676, Swedish troops here had built before the Battle of Lund their camp.


Tätorter: Barsebäck | Barsebäckshamn | Dösjebro | Furulund | Hofterup | Kävlinge | Lilla Harrie | Löddeköpinge | Sandskogen | Saxtorpsskogen | Västra Karaby

Småorter: Hogh | Järavallen | Särslöv | Södervidinge station | Stora Harrie | Vikhög

  • Place in Skåne County
  • Community Kävlinge