
The Limeaceae are a family in the order of the clove -like ( Caryophyllales ) within the angiosperms. There are only two genera with 23-38 species. The areas of Limeum ​​range from capensis to Ethiopia, on the Arabian Peninsula to the Indian subcontinent and into southern Asia; Macarthuria can be found in Australia.

Description and ecology

There are annual to perennial herbaceous plants or subshrubs. The arranged opposite one another and spiral or almost alternately along the stem axis leaves are simple and in some species they are reduced to scales. Stipules absent.

The flowers are usually together in zymösen inflorescences. The small, radial symmetry, hermaphrodite flowers are fünfzählig. There are usually five free sepals present. Petals may be absent, rare are three to five present. The stamens are fused Roehrig at their base. Two to seven carpels are fused to an upper constant ( syncarp ) ovary. There are one to three apotrope ovules per carpel available.

It is formed a capsule fruit or fruit splitting. In some species, the seeds have a aril. The Seed dispersal is mostly by endozoochory.

The basic chromosome number is x = 9 They contain betalains.


Previously, these species were incorporated into the family of Molluginaceae or Aizoaceae. So far, the genus Limeum ​​was classified in the tribe Limeeae that in February 1840 by Eduard Fenzl in Stephan Friedrich Ladislaus finite: plantarum ..., 976, as " Limeae " was published Genera. Molecular biological studies have suggested that the family Limeaceae yields a monophyletic taxon. The family name was Limeaceae on May 20, 2005 by Alexey shipunov in James L. Reveal: published The Botanical Review, interpreting botanical progress ( Lancaster), Volume 71, p 128. Type genus is Limeum ​​L.

The Limeaceae family contains only two genera with 23-38 species:

  • Limeum ​​L. (syn.: Acanthocarpaea Klotzsch, Dicarpaea C.Presl, Gaudinia J.Gay, Semonvillea J.Gay ): The 20 to 28 paläotropischen types (selection) have their center of species diversity in southwestern Africa: Limeum ​​aethiopicum Burm.
  • Limeum ​​africanum L.
  • Limeum ​​arenicola Schellenb.
  • Limeum ​​argute - carinatum Wawra & Peyr.
  • Limeum ​​dinteri G.Schellenb.
  • Limeum ​​fenestratum ( Fenzl ) Heimerl
  • Limeum ​​indicum Stocks ex T.Anders.
  • Limeum ​​linifolium Fenzl
  • Limeum ​​Myosotis H.Walt.
  • Limeum ​​obovatum Vicary
  • Limeum ​​pterocarpum ( Gay) Heimerl: The fruit of this herbaceous plant looks like a horseshoe.
  • Limeum ​​sulcatum ( Klotzsch ) Hutch.
  • Limeum ​​viscosum ( J.Gay ) Fenzl
  • Macarthuria Hugel ex Endl. The two to ten species in the Australian states of Queensland, New South Wales, Northern Territory and Western Australia is home to: Macarthuria apetala Harv.
  • Macarthuria australis Endl.
  • Macarthuria complanata E.M.Ross
  • Macarthuria ephedroides C.T.White
  • Macarthuria Georgeana Keighery
  • Macarthuria intricata Keighery
  • Macarthuria keigheryi Lepschi
  • Macarthuria neocambrica F.Muell.
  • Macarthuria vertex Lepschi


  • The Limeaceae family in APWebsite. (Sections Description and systematics)
  • The Molluginaceae the family, including the Limeaceae at DELTA by L. Watson & MJ Dallwitz. ( Description section )