Limonium emarginatum

Limonium emarginatum

Limonium emarginatum is a plant of the genus beach Lilac ( Limonium ) in the family of Plumbago plants ( Plumbaginaceae ).


Limonium emarginatum is a hairless plant with plant height of 30 to 50 cm. The leaves are 40-60 mm long, 7-15 mm wide, linear - spatulate are, forward they are dull to sinuate and traversed by one to five veins.

The inflorescences are cylindrically shaped, not flower-bearing parts are missing, the scales are 6-7 mm long, the lowest are occasionally up to 20 mm long and resemble the leaves. The ears are 2 to 3 cm long and up loosely with four Teilährchen per centimeter. The Teilährchen consist of one or two flowers. The inner bracts are about 5.5 to 7 mm long. The outer support sheets 2 to 2.5 mm in length and overlap the inner to about 1 /5 to 1/4. The cup is about 7 to 8 mm long, the Kelchsaum is about 0.5 times as long as the calyx tube. The crown is 11 to 12 mm long.


The species occurs on Gibraltar and grows on rocks near the sea.
