Linares, Nuevo León

24.859722222222 - 99.566666666667Koordinaten: 24 ° 52 'N, 99 ° 34 ' W

Linares is a city in northeast Mexico, in the east of the state of Nuevo León. It has about 70,000 inhabitants, of whom about 45,000 live in the city and 25,000 in the corresponding municipality.


Linares was founded in 1712 as Villa de San Felipe de Linares. The name was chosen in honor of the Spanish King Philip V and the viceroy of New Spain Fernando de Alencastre, Count of Linares.

1777 town rights. Since the same year, the city is a Catholic bishopric, also still exists Theater, the Museum of Local History and a reservoir.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the Departments of Geology and Forestry Sciences of the UANL ( Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León state university of the state of Nuevo León) are created with the help of GTZ in Linares. Moreover, in Linares, a branch of the Department of Accounting of the UANL.

In October 2011, all police forces of the city were, after a wave of kidnappings and extortions in the region ( more than 100 ) was arrested for checking a possible involvement in the operations.


In the city and the surrounding region are found mainly agriculture ( especially oranges and cattle ) and industry (especially maquilas )

Linares is known in Mexico by the local specialty glorias, a candy.
