Linda George

Linda George ( born 1960 in Baghdad ) is an Assyrian singer.


It began with five years to sing in a church choir in Baghdad, where she performed as a soloist of the church choir had television appearances later. Since then, she has released 14 albums and is one of the most famous Assyrian singers. Their music style is a mixture of traditional Assyrian rhythms and influences of modern music. During her career she has performed in the USA, Germany, Sweden, Canada, Australia, Syria and Lebanon. After the fall of Saddam, she returned for the first time back to their homes in Iraq, where they finally gave a concert.

Linda George lives in California.

Assyrian album


  • Golden Record Award
  • Golden Voice Award for Best Assyrian Singer ( awarded by the Assyrian -American Federation in Chicago)



  • Singer
  • Iraqi musicians
  • Person (Baghdad )
  • Born in 1960
  • Woman