Line (unit)

The line la ligne (also línea or linia ), is an outdated measure of length of Precision Mechanics and indeed 1/10 or 1/12 of the underlying duty. The older duodecimal with 1/12 inch or 1/144 foot but was later replaced by the decimal. The line could be decimal, divided into the smaller unit, the point ( duo); so were

Since the foot or the customs were regionally different, also the line pointed to different values. Examples are:

The Paris line asserted itself as both prime ( = 1/10 inch ) and millimètre designated reference measurement.

  • To date, the existing on various, partially still standing in utility measuring instruments the Paris line is important. According to this measure, the classification of Parswerte was made ​​on the glass body of the dragonfly, for example, to about 1950. Newer dragonflies however, are engraved in units of exactly 2 mm.
  • Line -based measures are used to the 21st century in watchmaking specifically in the description of movements and their size (caliber ).
  • The widespread until today used worldwide firearms caliber 7.62 mm was introduced in 1900 with the so-called three- line rifle.